Sunday, August 21, 2011

Writing advice

I woke up early this morning and laid in bed daydreaming about my WIP for over an hour. I imagined the day when I get THE call from my dream agent to inform me my manuscript went to auction.

I would be at work at my computer, my cell goes off, and I take the call out in the stairwell. She shares the news and I squeal with joyful abandonment. The book sells to the highest bidder (which happened to be Harper Collins, yeah this is totally a dream). I sign a contract within the next few weeks. After a couple of rounds of editing, I submit it to the editor. Then a while later I squeal again completely freaking my neighbors out, when I my pay advance arrives in the mail or direct deposit, I'm not particular.

At this point I pay off our mortgage and take a well deserved vacation. I work for a few more months and quit my job so I could write full-time. Oh, and maybe even think about adding a new member to my family. Then I blog and tell you all about how lucky I feel to have sold book and now I'm working on the sequel. I let you all know when it was due to hit the shelves and give away ARC's. There would be lots of promotion and hype around the best novel the world had ever seen.

Then the book debuts. Stellar reviews fly about from all sides. First week out it hits the NYT best seller list. BAM! I land an interview with the lovely Oprah. Wait, even better, Steve Colbert invites me on as a featured guest on the Colbert Report. He rips my novel to shreds in his classic comedic style and my book sales jump even higher. (Did I mention this was a dream?) Hollywood screen writers and producers are dying get their hands on my book. I go on tour and get to meet my wonderful readers. My mother comes with me to help watch the baby while I signed books (yup, that's how long it takes for a book to publish, I could have a baby by the time it comes out). Though she doesn't necessarily like what I write, she's still proud of her daughter.

I come home and celebrate the success with my husband and try not to accidentally create an additional member. :) All is well, I'm happy. The world is at peace. I have achieved ultimate nirvana.

*insert laugh or snort*

I sighed and rolled over to my side. Then reality slapped me in the face and said in a total god-like voice, "If you want that dream you better write the damn book."

So that is my advice for you dear friends and readers. Dream big, but get to work. You can achieve your dreams, but if you sit on your butt all day (unless you're writing, then it's okay, however I advice to move around a bit every so often so your bum doesn't get sore) nothing will happen.

So I repeat "If you want the dream of publication, then write the damn book." It certainly won't write itself.


PS: 10 more days till the end of the contest. Please don't miss out on this opportunity to win a personalize vampire novel.

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