Saturday, October 2, 2010

Sometime after 3pm

Excerpt from my journal from 9-30-10
I'm sitting basking in the sunlight with my feet in the cool water of Teacher's Fountain in Director's Park near the Library MAX stop. I missed my train, so I figured I could take advantage of this extra time by dipping my feet in this delightful water. Today the temperature climbed slightly into the 80's. These are the perfect last days of summer.
This moment right now is the most perfect moment of the day. I'm off work. My mother made it to Israel safely. The sun is out. The children are playing in the fountain having a grand old time. The adults are smiling in their offspring's delight. There is a gentle warm breeze with a hit of fall coolness. Life is certainly good and the world around me seems to reflect that sentiment. Ahh...Breathe... and take in all in... Cherish this moment...

I love moments like these. I tuck them away to be used on a day when life seems far from perfect. From those 15 minutes at the fountain, a well-spring of inspiration came forth and I was able to write a whole chapter thereafter.

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