Sunday, March 18, 2012

3 Sunday Sweets: Paradise 21

What can I say about this fantastic novel? The plot blew my mind to the far reaches of the universe. The setting took my breath away. The characters stole my heart. And the love story warmed my soul like delicious cup of hot coco on a rainy cold night. Aubrie Dionne has crafted the perfect Sci-fi novel. You won’t find any corny cheesy moments. It is so visually enticing you’ll forget you’re on planet Earth. 

The moment I picked up the novel, my inner sci-fi fiend swelled with inexplicable happiness. Though categorized as a romance, the book is written so well that even hardcore sci-fi-loving men would thoroughly enjoy the adventure.

Paradise 21 contains all the elements that make an excellent space adventure. There’s a desert planet with reptilian alien creatures and sand worms. (Dude, you can’t have a dessert planet without sand worms! Just sayin.)  There’s space pirates and alien ships. You’ve got a totalitarian human society on a ship traveling towards a new planet to populate after Earth has been completely destroyed by humans.  Then there’s a girl desperate to seek freedom from this controlled environment and a man searching for a way off the desert rock. When she crashes on his planet things explode.

And I’m going to stop there, because I think you need to go out and buy it TODAY. Even if you’re not a sci-fi nerd like me, I still think you’ll enjoy the story. So what are you waiting for? Click here to order your own copy.