Wednesday, May 15, 2013


I can't believe I'm blogging twice in one week! That hasn't happened since, well, last time I had a contest I think. But I had to give you an update on my writerly "stuff."

If you remember last month I mention I was working a project that I couldn't give too many details about. That particular book is still in progress and going great, but I had another little project I didn't mention.

About a month and 1/2 ago my daughter went through a growth spurt and the only thing that calmed her was me carrying her through the house against my shoulder while I sang to her. Of course, most of these songs were off key and the lines didn't rhyme, but those details didn't matter to her. She loved it. Eventually I came up with a little poem that I named Elly's Lullaby. I sang/spoke it to her over and over again until she finally fell asleep. When I laid her down I jotted down the words because wanted to remember it. As I did so I saw them in a colorful picture book.

Well, folks, today I put that idea out there and queried 3 agencies (Bent, Writer's House, and Dystel & Goderic). Been thinking of dabbling in children's books for a while now and today I made that big step. I plan on querying some more but my daughter woke up from her nap and she needs some mommy time. Keeping fingers crossed! 

Sunday, May 12, 2013

My 1st Mother's Day

Today was my very first Mother's Day and let me tell you it felt weird. After 33 years of wishing my own mother a happy day it was strange hearing her return the greeting this morning when I stopped to see her. Last night my cousin and her two kids came over and brought me a huge bouquet of flowers. I laughed when the kids wished me a Happy Mother's Day. "Me? A Mom?" On what crazy planet would that happen? Then my daughter cried and I rushed to pick her up. Oh, yeah. That.

This morning hubby brought me a gorgeous azalea plant and a card from baby. I loved the card so much I HAD to take pictures and share.

Is that not the cutest card EVER?! Love the pitch fork in the "Your" and the pointy tail in the second "angel." So creative. I had a fabulous day. Had lunch with my mom, talked to my grandmother in Romania, and got to see my new nephew in Texas via Skype. I even bought myself a new workout outfit. (I always wondered why I used to see moms in athletic clothing out and about. I now understand. Motherhood IS a workout.) When I got home, Elly and I hung out on our cover patio while it sprinkled outside and enjoyed the smell of fresh rain and the new blossoming honeysuckle.
That's her and her new The Very Hungry Caterpillar book by Eric Carle. She's already a book worm and that's the best gift this mama can ask for. If you are ever looking a gift to give a baby, this book is a winner. Happy Mother's day to all you fabulous mamas out there.